Help Us Make MCAN Communications Even Better!

Help Us Make MCAN Communications Even Better!

We’d love to hear what you think about how we’re communicating with you! Whether it’s our newsletter, social media or website, your feedback helps us get better at keeping you informed and inspired.
This is a super quick survey with just 9 questions, and it should only take 3-5 minutes to complete. Thanks for being part of the MCAN community—your input really makes a difference!

General Feedback

1. Which of our communication channels do you use the most?
Select all that apply
2. How useful do you find our updates for staying in the loop about MCAN, climate action and climate events?

Content Preferences

3. Which types of content are the MOST useful to you?
Select all that apply
4. Which types of content are the LEAST useful to you?
Select all that apply

Channel-specific Feedback

7. How easy is it to find what you’re looking for on our website?

Final Thoughts

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subscribe to newsletter

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Become a member

The Climate Action Hub is shaped by its communities – that’s you!

Our purpose is to encourage and support a thriving, collaborative network of community groups and organisations coming together to take action on the climate and nature crises.

Our vision is to see our membership build capacity together, learn from one another and help create fairer, more sustainable and resilient communities.

Stay In The Loop

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