Is Midlothian Climate-ready?

Learn how Midlothian can prepare for and adapt to a changing climate

Midlothian's climate is changing.
Our weather is becoming more extreme and harder to predict.

The impacts of climate change and extreme weather events are already here. From our natural environment, to out resources and the places where we live, we are already feeling some of these impacts. We need to become more resilient to ensure that Midlothian can prosper, and that all our communities and places can flourish.

How can we adapt to a changing climate?

Climate change might sometimes feel like a problem for future or generations or, at the very least, feel like its effects will be felt primarily across the world from us. However, we are already seeing significant changes in our weather systems in Scotland – milder but rainier winters, periods of draught in some parts of Scotland in the summers.

In Midlothian we can also feel some of these impacts. If you garden or grow food, you may have noticed some plants and vegetables growing out of season or not at all. You may have been affected by increased flooding of the Esk. Or you might have noticed a steep decline in pollinators like bees and butterflies over the years.

Climate Adaptation

What is climate adaptation, and how does it differ from reducing our emissions of greenhouse gases?

Climate-Ready Places

What does a climate ready Scotland look like? How could our villages, towns and places adapt in ways that serve their communities best?

Climate Ready South East Scotland Story Map

Help build a clearer picture of how climate change is affecting life and communities. Your stories will shape efforts to build resilience and help the region thrive.

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