Previous Events ​

Event 2


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Event 3


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer tempus ipsum risus, sed semper nisl

Repair, Reuse, Recycle – Creating a Circular Economy in Midlothian


Are you a group or organisation working in Midlothian interested in repair, reuse and recycle

MCAN All-Members Gathering


Join us for our very first All-Members Gathering! Come and meet other members, make new

MCAN at Vogrie Pogrie


Join MCAN at Vogrie Pogrie for various environment and climate themed activities. More details to

Biodiversity Gathering: Action for Nature in Midlothian


Are you a community group interested in restoring and taking care of nature in midlothian?

RESCHEDULED: Funding Workshop: Climate & Environment Funding Opportunities


In the session, we aim to identify the main funding providers in relation to community-led

Become a member

The Climate Action Hub is shaped by its communities – that’s you!

Our purpose is to encourage and support a thriving, collaborative network of community groups and organisations coming together to take action on the climate and nature crises.

Our vision is to see our membership build capacity together, learn from one another and help create fairer, more sustainable and resilient communities.

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