MCAN All-Members Gathering

MCAN All-Members Gathering

August 29, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - August 29, 2024 @ 9:00 pm

Event Type: Members Gathering

Location: Penicuik Townhall

Join us for our very first All-Members Gathering! Come and  meet other members, make new connections, and discuss how we can better work together to create fairer, more sustainable and resilient Midlothian communities.

The event will have two parts, both including a speaker and facilitated discussions.

On the first part, we will focus on what our vision is for Midlothian. How do you envision a Midlothian in 10 to 20 years that is truly fair and sustainable?

On the second part, drawing from our previous discussions, we will focus on how we can make this vision come to life. How can members best cooperate and work together to achieve our shared vision? How can the network help shape this vision? How should MCAN operate to support this?

We will end the gathering with a shared meal from 8.30pm.

The gathering will take place on  the 29th August from 6pm to 9pm at the Penicuik Townhall

This is a members-only event, however joining the network is extremely easy, just follow this link! If you know a group or organisation that you think should be a part of MCAN make sure to share our details with them.

If your group is planning on having more than 2 people attending, please let us know in advance by emailing

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