Members of MCAN are making plans to celebrate after the Scottish Government confirmed that their application for grant funding for a staffed Climate Action Hub in the county had been successful.
Funding of nearly £75,000 has been secured for the remainder of 2023-24 while more significant grant support for 2024-25 is agreed ‘in principle’ only at this stage pending final agreement on the Scottish Government budgets for that year. However, the Scottish Government’s advice has been to recruit staff for both this year and next.
The application was made in a partnership involving Network members and Midlothian Voluntary Action, the local Third Sector Interface organisation based in Dalkeith. The Network plans to apply for incorporated charitable status for the Hub during 2024-25. In the meantime, it’s very happy with its relationship with MVA.
If your community group or organisation isn’t yet a member of MCAN would you like to consider changing that? Membership allows your group a voice in decision-making and the opportunity to serve on the Steering Group giving strategic advice on the Hub’s priorities.